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UK Muslims in London Mosque on ‎Massacre in Burma

For three months, the daily lives of Rohinga Muslims in Myanmar have been filled with the most horrendous atrocities. Systematic slaughter, rape and mass arrest.
And for the three months much of the world has been silent.

Muslims and human rights activists in the UK have been desperately trying to get the plight of the Rohinga Muslims on the agenda.

MPs, Lords, Baronesses and prominent activists gathered at this event to mobilize concrete action.
100,000 people have been directly displaced inside the Rohingya community. The government has restricted aid to these areas. Another 300,000 are indirectly displaced. Over 1.5 million Rohingyas already live outside of Myanmar.
The violence is brutal and relentless. And only the latest chapter in a long history of state-sponsored repression against the Rohingya population.

The latest violence erupted after three rohingya men were accused of abusing a young girl. Any trigger was enough to escalate already simmering tensions.

After a state of emergency was declared in the province, the entry of Myanmar's security forces lent another dimension to this conflict. But yet the political world was silent.

with little or no political or media attention, much of the global activism taking place is online. Brutally violent and heart-wrenching videos that go viral. Some turn out to be fake. Others can’t be independently verified. But with not even AID being allowed into the affected communities, it is hard to know what is really going on inside Myanmar. Or how bad the atrocities really are.

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