Back in 2005 I stumbled upon an article about ‘Blogging’. I didn’t know it at the time but that moment changed my life. When i saw the Rohingya people who is living inside and outside of Burma.
Within 24 hours of reading the article I had started my own blog – a blog where I’ve explored issues of Pop Culture, Politically and Blogging ever since. I’ve learned so much from the experience of that blog that I’ve since started many other stuffs.
- Why Rohingya Blogger?
This site is dedicated to helping other Rohingya to know their difficulties, share their own experiences and promote the human rights upon their struggle .
I started it in September 2005 mainly because I wanted to keep a record of what I was learning about blogging for Rohingya. Since then I’ve added well over 500 articles, Book shelf and case studies to my archives here.
If you would like more information on Rohingya Blogger please get in touch through sending email to rohingyablogger@gmail.com or contact us via Twitter @rohingyablogger or @nslwin
If you would like more information on Rohingya Blogger please get in touch through sending email to rohingyablogger@gmail.com or contact us via Twitter @rohingyablogger or @nslwin
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