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“Safe and Protect Rohingya Refugee in Bangladesh"-Sign the Petition

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To: The Secretary-General, United Nation, New York, USA
An Appeal on Humanitarian Ground: 
“Safe and Protect Rohingya Refugee in Bangladesh” 

Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh refugee Camps and other unregistered Rohingya refugees outside the camps are regularly and systematically intimidated, humiliated, tortured, raped, and killed by local people from neighboring Bangladeshi villages, some politically motivated groups, some racially intolerant groups, with impunity. 

Camp authorities never interfere when these kind of inhumane events happen, sometimes encouraged by those who are supposed to be responsible for well-being and safety of these helpless, friendless, and deprived, weak and needy people (Rohingya of Arakan, Burma (Myanmar).

Bangladesh authorities frequently reject even help from other peace-loving countries, NGOs and others. 
Rohingya people of Arakan are most persecuted minority in Burma (Myanmar). In Burma all the minorities are under oppression, repression, intimidation by Illegal Military Junta; but Rohingya of Arakan State of Burma are most targeted and their suffering are continuous since 1962, when Gen, Ne Win took power by military coup from elected government of U Nu on March 2nd 1962. 

They are not allowed to travel freely inside the country. They cannot get public jobs; they are not even allowed to marry as they wish. They have been being taxed and over taxed at will by central and even local government entities, without justification as per their own law and regulation. Toured, illegal imprisonments, fabricated law suits, sometimes summery killing are daily lives for these unfortunate people. 

Their Citizenship rights were taken away by former strong man, Gen. Ne Win's regime in 1982. They are now technically a Stateless people in Twenty-first century. Please save these deprived people from expulsion, ethnic cleansing, and genocide in Burma and please raise your voice against the intimidation in Rohingya Refugee Camps, outside refugee Camps in Bangladesh-Burma border region in any way you can. 

Please inform others about their suffering, Please inform your respective representatives, please advocate, propagate, campaign for their safety, security and well-being of these helpless, and friendless people to your friends, your governments and International Human Right Organizations, UN, UN Security Council, Other concern entities. 

We would like to appeal to UN and UN Security Council, UN Human Rights Organs, EU, OIC, African Union, ASEAN, Arab League, GCC, WAMY, MWL and others to protect these Rohingya people from Arakan, Burma. 

It is a noble duty of all Human-beings, all peace-loving people of the world and all Human right advocates to seek justifiable and suitable solution for these deprived people. 

We do hope that all the peace-loving people of the world will come to help these most prosecuted people on earth in any ways and means they can and they afford. 

The Almighty will shower you with unimaginable blessing and reward you with goodies and niceties, you can ever imagine for we are ultimately under his, only his sovereign universe. 


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