By U Kyaw Min
RB History
April 21, 2014
Classical geographers referred to South East Asia as the golden land, Chryse and the silver land, Argyre. Ptolemy in the second century A.D. referred Arakan as Argyre, his name for the country stretching from Naf River to Cape Negris[1].
Dr. Pamela Gutman writes the Fragmentary prasasti on the north face of Shitthaung Pillar written in the mid 11th century A.D. mentions Areka Desa. She further says in the inscriptions of Pagan and Ava from 12th to 15th centuries, the country is referred to as Rukuin or Rakhaing[2].She explains we find in Hobson-Jobson, Srilankan chronicles and Tharanat history; the names in various forms, such as Arakan, Arraccan, Rakhanga, Racchami, Rakhan and Recon. Nidcolo dei Conti in 1420 A.D. called it Raccani where as Babosa quoted in 1516 as Arraccan[3]. Srilankan chronicle says Rakhanga, which in Bengali became Rohang, because Bengali pronounces “kh” as “h”. Khan in Bengali is pronounced as Han.
According to Dr. S.B. Qanungo, in Persian source book the name Arakan is written as Arkhaunk and in its slight variation[4].
The name Rakhine, it seems of much antiquity. Sir H. Yule wants to identify the country named Argyre in Ptolemy with Arakan, the name being supposed to be derived from silver mines existing then[5].
Henry Yule’s assumption is supported by M.C. Crindle and D.G.E. Hall.
In Rashiddudin’s (14th century Indian historian’s) works the name appeared as Rohan. He said the country of Rohang was subjugated to Khan[6] (Mongul Khans). Sidi Ali a Turkish navigator belongs to the middle of 16th century wrote it Rakhang. The authors of AiNi-I-Akbri, Bahristan Gaibi, and Siarul Mutha kharin write Arkhaung, which appears also with a slight change in Alamgri Nama and Fathyai Baria[7]. In the medieval Bengali works and Rennell’s map the name is written Roshang[8] - - -. In colloquial Chittangonian dialect the country is called Rohang ; “SH” being replaced by “H” [Still today ,we found Hindu Bengalis say Roshang, where as Muslim Bengalis say Rohang.
Here as people of Chittagong are called Chatghannya, so do people of Rohang are called Rohangya. It is very comprehensive from linguistic point of view of Bengali language.
Medieval Portuguese and other European travelers mention it as Recon, Rakan, Rakhanj, Arracao, oracao, Aracan and Vanlin Schoter writes it Arakan, which is nearest to the present name[9].
Ralf Fytch, an English merchant toured India and Burma in the last decade of 16th century. He writes Arakan as Kingdom of Ruon[10]. So A.P. Phayre quoting Ralf Fytch, described Arakan as Ruon, which sounds like Rowang.
Rajamala chronicle (tripura chronicle) says their king Dania maneikha conquered Roshang in mid 16th century. His commander was named “Roshang Mardan” i.e. conqueror of Arakan.He returned after keeping Roshang Mardan as Governor of Chittagong[11]. In the records of ltalian traveler Manucci, it is said, shah Shijah (a Maghal exiled prince, Governor of Bengal) during his stay in Arakan found many dwellers, Mughals and pahtans. Muslims from lower Bengal contributed much to the ever increasing Bengali Muslims in the Arakanese kingdom. The Arakanese call Muslim Kalah. But Muslims introduce themselves as Rohingya to others[12].
There are name of places in Bangladesh indicating reference to Arakan. A section of people, east of shanka River in Bangladesh still today are called “Rowangi” meaning people of Rowang or Arakan. Due to racial suppression, many Muslims took refuge in Bengal in Rakhine period.
Rohingya classified the Rakhine as Rohingya Magh and Anaukiya Magh, which means Rakhine from Arakan and Rakhine from Anouk Pyi (Bengal). So here Rohingya means settlers of Rohang alias Arakan. Thus Rohingya is synonymous to Arkanese.
There were many many Bengali courtiers in the palace of Arakan Kings. They were encouraged by the Kings to flourish Bengali literature. Daulat Qazi and Shah Alaol were two ministers and writers in the time of both ThiriThudama and Sanda Thudama in mid 17th century. In their works, Arakan is Roshang or Rohang and its people are Rohingya. Even there was a narrative book in the name of Roshang Panchali[13] Written by Alaol.
Still today there are some people who say Rohingya is a creation. This term has no historical background. This is just an imaginary terminology, created by some political circle. Some say it was given by Pa-Ta-Sa Government. Yet some other say it was given by Thakin Soe, formerly Red Flag Communist Party boss.
What so ever we find researches of foreigners to authenticate the antiquity and historicity of Rohingyas. Gil Christ and F. Buchanan researched about this people and their language. Buchanan was an English diplomat in the Embassy of Michael Syme, in Ava. Francis Buchanan studied the languages of Burmese empire. He said Burmese language has four dialects, that of Burma proper; that of Arakan; that of Yo and that of Tanasserim. About the languages of Arakan, F. Buchanan writes: I shall now add three dialects spoken in Burma Empire But evidently derived from the language of Hindu nation. He details the first (language of Arakan) is that spoken by Mohammedans, Who have long settled in Arakan and who called themselves “Rooinga” or native of Arakan. The second dialect is that spoken by Hindus of Arakan. He said, I procured it from a Brahmin and his attendant, who had been brought to Amarapura by the king’s eldest son, on his return from the conquest of Arakan. They call themselves Rossawn, and for what reason I don’t know they wanted to persuade me that theirs was the common language of Arakan. He (Buchanan) further states the last dialect of Hindustani, which I shall mentions is that of a people called by the Burman Ayokobat, many of whom are slaves in Amarapura. By one of them I was informed that they call themselves Banga, that formerly they had kings of their own; but that in his father’s time, their kingdom had been overturned by the king of Manipura, who carried away a great part of the inhabitants to his residence, when that Manipur was taken last by Burman fifteen years ago; this man was one of the many captives who were brought to Ava from Manipur.
Buchanan said the native Mughs of Arakan call themselves Yakain, a name given by Burman. By the Bengal Hindus, at least by such of them as have been settled in Arakan, the country is called Rossawn - - - the Mohammedans settled in Arakan called the country Rovingaw, the Persian called Rekon.
Buchanan continued, Mr. Gil christ has been so good as to examine these dialects, which come nearest to the Hindustani sponken on the Ganges.
They have studied comparatively the three dialects, which appeared in the Asiatic researches Calcutta, Vol. 5, 1799. This study of Mr. Gil Christ and F. Buchanan proved the antiquity and historicity of Rohingyas.
A research paper says; Muslims influence on the Arakanese society was not an outcome of some sudden occurrences. It was the result of an age long intercourse between Arakan and Muslim countries that dated back to the period of Arab Contact with Arakan. Arakan came into contact with Muslims as early as the ninth century. Arakannese chronicles give refrences to the Muslim settlement in Arakan during the reign of Maha Taing Candra A.D. 788-810[14]. (at the time of Vessali period)
Father farnao Guerreiro, in the beginning of 17th century observed: The moors (Arab) ---- would always be graibous, that is very submissive with no other desire but to live under his (king of Arakan’s) protection[15].
Martin smith an especialist on Burmese history observed; Muslims (whose descendants, now prefer to be called as Rohingya) settled is Arakan since 9th century. Name of places, rivers and towns such as Ramree, Akyab, Kaladan, Naf, Kalapanzan were connected with Muslims[16].
Yet Dr. J. Leider, a history scholar who always tries to advocate the Rakhine version of Arakan history but obliterate the historicity of Rohingya could not obscure reality of history. He says persian and Bengali the writing languages of Muslim in Arakan in 17th century had a great influence in Arakan’s court milieu. A poet, Alaol, in praise of king Candacudamma wrote an eulogy where the first line is “the city called Rosanga (from where the term Rohingya derived) is a match less place on earth, constantly full of grains and fishes” - - - .J. leider explained Rosanga is the Bengali name of Maruk U and it is also used to designate the kingdom of Arakan[17].
So here we can confirm Arakan then in 17th century was called Rosanga and its peoples were Rosangya which presently is called Rohingya.Thus Rohingya is not a creation of new identity but it is an antiquity.
[1] Cf. Mc. Crindle’s Ancient India as described by Ptolemy 1885. Reprint in Calcutta in 1927.
[2] 963a U. B. 194 Sagaing Htu Payon pagoda inscription obverse II 20-23, 804 S (1442 A.D.).
[3] Pamela Gutman; Ancient Arakan P-23.
[4] Dr. S. B. Qaunungo; History of Chittagong Vol. A 1979..
[5] Sir H. Yule, Proceeding of Royal Geographical Society Nov. 1882.
[6] Elliot and Dowson; “History of India as told by its own Historians”. P-73.
[7] Dr. Abu Fazl, Aini-i-Akbri(Trans: H. Blochman, Calcutta (1873 – 1877)). Mirza Nathan, Bahristan Ghaibi; (Trans: Borah, Gohati, (1936)). Shihabuddin ahmed, Fatiya-Barria (Trans: J.N. Sarkar, Bodlein Library, Oxford).
[8] Dr. S. B. Qaunungo; History of Chittagong Vol. A 1979. P-132.
[9] Ibid P-133.
[10] A. P. Phayre; History of Burma P-172.
[11] Dr. S. B. Qaunungo; History of Chittagong Vol. A 1979. P- 234*235
[12] Stroia de Mogor(Mug aka Rakhine)Vol.I P-374 (Trans: Willim Irrive, London)
[13] Ibid; chapter II Sect 3.
[14] JASB XIII 1844 P-36
[15] Cuerrerio, Farnao; The relations (Jahangirand Jesuits) P-196
[16] Smith, Martin, Vurmas’ Muslim border land, sold down the riven, C. S. Quaterty 13 (4) P-68
[17] J. P. Leidwe and thibaut d’ Hubert; Trans and poets in Maruk U, in 17th century, 2011
To be continued ....
U Kyaw Min is chairman of Democracy and Human Rights Party based in Yangon, Myanmar.
Abu Tahay
RB History
August 16, 2013
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Rohingya Belong to Arakan and Then Burma
RB History
August 16, 2013
Rohingyas were ancient settlers of Indo- Aryan descendant converted into Islam in 8th century A.D and new generation of mixed blood of Arab (788 A.D - 801 A.D ) plus Persian (700 AD -1500 A.D) plus Bangali (1400 AD - 1736 AD) plus mogul in 16th century AD.
In page 25 and 27 of Ethnologue, the languages of the world described Myanmar Rohingya Language under the Indo-Aryan’s (225) descendants dialect by SIL international which has special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations and with United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organizations (UNESCO). SIL has also been designated by the International Organizations for Standardization as Registration Authority for ISO 639-3 Standard.
Although some of them are war victims , slaves and farmers, they had settled down before 1823 AD. It was obivious that they were not comers under British Age.
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Rohingya Belong to Arakan and Then Burma
(Continued from Part 1
Maung Aurther
RB History
April 24, 2013
Rakhine False’s Claim (continuation of the previous title)
However, a reasonable answer was given by Dr. Aye Chan (the then U Aye Chan) under the title “Assessment of Rakhine History” in “Rakhine Tasaung magazine 1975-76.” He mentioned
“All inscriptions before 10th century were Indian literature. Not only the ruling class but their subjects also used that literature. Burmese inscriptions were found only after 10th century. For instance, Desaraza Stone inscription! That was a swift change. There might have been a rapid and momentous political and cultural revolution in Arakan during (early) 10th century A.D. So it is difficult for us to say the present Rakhine are the same as those settlers before 10th century. It is an important issue remains to clear up for coming generation researchers.”
What Dr. Aye Chan mentioned here alone is sufficient for one with a right mind to understand that the people before 10th century were not same to the present Rakhines (of Tibeto-Burman Group). That’s to say they were Indians (same to the present Rohingyas). To be clearer on what had happened in Arakan around 10th century, Maurice Collis mentioned
“The area now known as North Arakan has been for many years before the 8th century the seat of Hindu dynasties; in 788 A.D., a new dynasty, known as the Chandras, founded the city of Wesali [the dynasty then] came to an end in 957 A.D., being overwhelmed by a Mongolian invasion."… (Maurice Collis, Arakan's Place in the Civilization of the Bay, p. 486) ***
However, it is cheering to read Narinjara News Agency led by some Rakhine scholars living in Bangladesh admitting in the history section “their (Rakhines’) forebears entered the country only in the 9th Century CE as the advance guard of the Myanmar people.” (
In contrast to some present day writer’s unsubstantiated claim that Rakhine is an Indo-Aryan race, a Senior Rakhine Politician and Historian U Hla Tun Pru said, Rakhine and Burman have affinity in blood and religion. He quoted a Burmese adage to substantiate his remise that Burman, Bran, Rakhine, Yaw, and Tavoy . . . . . . all together seven groups none but Burman races. (History of Arakan; Combination of his articles; published by U Min Lwin).
Exposing the Unsubstantiated Claims
Yet, there are Rakhine leaders with the vested-interest who are blindly trying to stick to the baseless claim of having Indo-Aryan origin. These Rakhines will end up humiliating themselves for their claim to have Aryan blood and attempt to relate them with the earlier Indian Kings.
GENETICS TESTS on mtDNAs and Y-DNAs on Rakhines to confirm their origin, a thorough archeological survey in the ancient sites in Arakan and subsequent open and honest disclosing of the findings by the scholars will expose all the purported lies of Rakhine bigotry scholars and might reveal many more hidden secrets of Arakan. But all these do not seem to be happening in the near future due to the involvements of local and global powers behind the exclusion of Rohingya people.
By far, it has become evident that the indigenous people of Arakan were/are Indo-Aryans (i.e. Indians) followed by Mongoloid Tibeto-Burman in 957 CE. And if you are to consider Rohingyas as the illegal Bengali settlers of British colonial time, a question that may likely to come on your mind is “where have all the descendents of the indigenous Indo-Aryans of Arakan gone today? There is no historical record at all that says Indo-Aryans were exterminated by the invading Mongoloid Tibeto-Burmans after their invasion of Arakan in 957CE. As so, it is not hard to understand that while the kingdoms had shifted from the hands of Indo-Aryans to the hands of Tibeto-Burman, Indo-Aryans continued their usual lives as normal people. Similarly, it is also not difficult to confess that Rohingyas are the bona-fide descendents of the indigenous Indo-Aryans of Arakan unless you, intentionally, try to eradicate the true history.
Claims on the Ground of Religion
Moreover, another excuse given by a few self-centered Rakhine bigotry scholars to make the kings and the people before 10th century as if from their own people/race is based on the ground the religion: Buddhism. Read the following.
"The earliest dawn of the history of Arakan reveals the base of the hills, which divide the lower course of the Kaladan and Lemro rivers, inhabited by sojourners from India, governed by chiefs who claim relationship with the rulers of Kapilavastu.
Their subjects are divided into the four castes of the older Hindu communities; the kings and priests study the three Vedas; the rivers, hills, and cities bear names of Aryan origin; and the titles assumed by the king and queen regent suggest connection with the Solar and Lunar dynasties of India." (Dr. Emil Forchhammer, A Report on the History of Arakan, Page. 1)
“Refer back at the evidence given by Maurice Collis mentioned and shown with *** above”
….."The Chandra kings were upholders of Buddhism, guarding and glorifying the Mahamunni [sic] shrine; their territory extended as far north as Chittagong" [then known as Chatigrama], "The conclusion to be drawn from this MS is that Wesali [Vaishali] was an easterly Hindu kingdom of Bengal, following the Mahayanist form of Buddhism and that both government and people were Indian as the Mongolian influx had not yet occurred." (Maurice Collis, Arakan's Place in the Civilization of the Bay, Page. 486)
Therefore, we can conclude from the above-mentioned evidences that the people in Arakan before 10th century were the followers of Hinduism, Buddhism and Animism. However, in mentioning so, what some selfish Rakhine historians fail to admit are:
(1) The Hindus, Buddhists and Animists during those periods were only Indians (as Rohingyas are today), not Mongoloid Tibeto-Burman (as Rakhines are today).
(2) The Buddhism in Arakan before 10th century was in the form of Mahayana, not Theravada (or Hinayana) that Rakhines follow today.
To be continued……….
Maung Aurther is an activist. He can be reached at
Maung Aurther
RB History
April 6, 2013
Earliest People of Arakan- The Proto-Australoid Negritos
Historians say the earliest people in Arakan were to be a Proto-Australoid people called Negritos settled in Neolithic period. They were similar to today’s Andamanese (dark-skinned). It is said that they were known as Rakhasha (Pali) or Rakhshasa (Sanskrit) meaning Cannibals. However, according to the historians, there are hardly any archaeological remnants that can prove their existence in Arakan. Therefore, this topic will not be discussed anymore.
Indo-Aryans or the Early People of Arakan
The first Arakanese kings were Indo-Aryans from the Ganges Valley. (Ancient Arakanese Chronicles)
Indo-Aryan people ruled over Arakan dynasty after dynasty, century after century, before the arrival of Burmans who today are called Rakhine. (Maurice Collis + U San Shwe Bu; Into hidden Burma Chapter, Arakan).
The settlements of the people of Indo-Aryan, Mro (Khami) and Thek (Sak) can be traced to the time as early as BC 3323. (Zaa-Lok-Kat-Pho-Lay by San Kyaw Tuan, P.81)
After Negritos, Indo-Aryan people were the second earliest people to have settled in Arakan followed by Saks and Khamis, who can be traced with the archaeological evidences. [Khami and Sak were tribal and hilly people and their remnants can still be found in the hills.] Who were these Indo-Aryans? Let us first define the term “Indo-Aryan.” defines Indo-Aryan as a member of one of the peoples of the Indian subcontinent speaking an Indo-European language includes Hindi, Bengali, Punjabi, etc. Generally, Indo-Aryans are Indians excluding Dravidians (South-Indians). Today if there are people that can be called Indo-Aryan descendants in Arakan are none other than Rohingyas.
Before 10th century A.D. in Arakan, only Indians and Indian culture including the literature were found. Burmese and Burmese cultures are found only after 10th century. (H. W. Wilson; the history of Indian people, PP. 189 – 204)
Before 10th century in Arakan, the people and civilization all were Indian. (Gordon H. Luce; Early Burma Pre-Bagan)
[As of the dynasties in the history of Arakan, according to the historians, there were Dhannyavati (Dhanyawadi) (in three periods) Vaishali (Vesali) before 957 CE and after 957 CE, the two significant kingdoms were Lemro and Mrauk-U. (Details will be discussed later.)] There are two races in Arakan today: Rohingya and Rakhine. Of the two, who do you think represents those earliest Indo-Aryan (Indian) rulers of Arakan ethnically, culturally, and linguistically on and on? Be honest to yourself and have no malice while answering this.
The Origin of Rakhines
Rakhine and Burman are the same race. Rakhine speak in an accent of early Burman. More importantly, their religion is the same too. (Dr. Htin Aung, Burma before AD 1280; trans: U Aung Than, 2003, pg.40).
Rakhine is a branch of Burman. Their early literatures were found in Burmese. (Dr. Than Tun, 80th Birthday Bulletin).
Presently dominant Rakhine are the last significant group of people to enter Arakan in 10th century and thereafter. (Dr. Pamela Gutman, Ancient Arakan, 1976)
They (Rakhines) no doubt are descendants from ancestors belonging to Mongoloid tribes, closely akin to those from whom sprung- the Burmese of the Upper Irrawadi. Their language is the same, with a few dialectical differences, though the pronunciation as spoken frequently renders it unintelligible to a modern Burmese. (History of Burma, Lieut. General Sir Aurthur P. Phayre, P. 41, 1883)
Moreover, there are a number of evidences brought into light by many illustrious scholars on the origin of Rakhines. I hope the references given above are enough for one this topic. Would you still say Rakhines belong to Indo-Aryan or the Indian Kingdoms earlier to the 10th century? Yet, Rakhine bigotry scholars desperately and disgracefully claim that they are of Indo-Aryan (Indian) descendants to relate themselves to the kingdoms prior to the 10th century. Below are a few examples.
Rakhines’ False Claim
Rakhine people in early period seemed to write Indian language. (Wethali Age Ananda Sandra Stone Monument, by U San Tha Aung, p. 12)
However, their quasi-historical records which are secondary material compiled centuries later, and liberally sprinkled with anachronisms, now maintain that they have been in their country since 5000 BCE. They also claim, quite seriously, the early Indian dynasties of Dhanyavati and Veshali as their own — peopled by the Rakhaing race. (Noel F. Singer’s Vaishali and Indianization of Arakan, P. 14, referring “Shwe Zan, The Golden Mrauk U, p. 149”)
Look at another example of bigotry and desperate Rakhine scholar called Ashin Nayaka living abroad attempted to claim their so-called Indo-Aryan origin.
Those Indo-Aryan are THOUGHT to have mixed and intermarried with a migrant Mongoloid tribe in eastern India and Arakan.
It was just what they think. So it is nothing but a baseless and illogical claim. If their claims are to be taken as true, there are a lot of questions needed to be answered. How had the Indian-Language-Speaking people, Rakhine, suddenly, after 10th century, forgotten to speak their own language and lost their linguistic identity so much so that they started speaking a language of Tibeto-Burman origin? What had led them to change the Indian names of their kings (the names such as “Chandra” of the earlier dynasties) to Burman names? Above all, how do Rakhine people suddenly happen to look different from Indians? And many more! These are the missing links.
Sometimes, Rakhines claim they are of Tibeto-Burman group and some-other-times, they are of Indo-Aryan origin. Two contradicting claims! Funny, isn’t it? Probably, they claim to be Tibeto-Burman not to alienate themselves their original stock. And the earlier Rakhine chronicles also claim they are of Tibeto-Burman group. On the other hand, they claim to be Indo-Aryans probably for linkage of the history, earlier civilization and magnificence of the past built by Indo-Aryans who had ruled the region for more than a millennium until it was invaded by Tibeto-Burman of Mongoloid origin.
One more interesting question “do you know what term Burmese and Rakhines use to call Rohingyas, Bengalis, Indians and Pakistanis etc?” Isn’t the term ‘Kular’ originally meaning ‘Noble Race’ they use to call Indians in the derogatory sense? Suppose Rakhines are of Indo-Aryan Origin (i.e. Indian Origin). If so, they are Kulars, too. And if they are Kulars, too, then why do they call others (Rohingyas) ‘Kulars’. On the other hand, do Rakhines call themselves ‘Kulars’. Do Burmese call Rakhines ‘Kulars’? In fact, who call Rakhines ‘Kulars’?
RB History
July 27, 2012
Rohingya origin in the ancient kingdom of Arakan
Arakani researcher San Shwe Bu thinks the Chandras were from Hindu dynasty but later on converted to Mohayana Buddhism. According to him the king and the people both were of Indian origin. The coins of Wasali had the image of Siva engraved on it. M.S. Collins says, “The coins of Wasali were in pure Brahminical tradition.”
The Indian Chandra aristocracy called the ancient dark skinned people of Arakan as the Rakkhasas.
788 During the reign of Arakani Indian Chandra King Mahat Sing Daya’s time recorded in the royal chronicle that several Arab ships wracked on Ramree Island. "Survivors were sent to Arakan proper and settled in villages." Similar Arab settlements were recorded in the other parts of southern part of Chittagong.
785-957 Arab traders began to settle both in Arakan and Chittagong of present Bangladesh. Inter mixture with the local population led to the first Chandra-Rohingyas of Arakan. During this time, in both Arakan and Chittagong, the influence of Sanskrit, Pali, Arabic, Persi, Portuguese combined together eventually formed the Chandra-Rohingya dialect which is similar to the Chittagonian dialect with their slight variations. The same dialect is also spoken by the Chakmas, and the Tanchaingyas of Chittagong Hill Tracts. The reason must be that all these ethnic groups despite their racial differences were the citizens of ancient Chandra kingdom.
9th Century Chandra invasion of Chittagong; Hindus of Chittagong believe that Muslims have changed the original Sanskrit name of Chittagong from "Chatta gram" into "Chaitigaon." However, the Arakani historians claim that the name Chittagong was originally given by an Arakanese king. It says, an Arakani king eracted a pillar at Chittagong in the nineth century A. D. with a remark "to make war is improper." It is true during this time a Chandra king (not a Mogh king) ruled Arakan. There was no Mogh Rakine kingdom in Arakan yet. Arakan was ruled by Chanda king Shoe Ratan. The language of the king was not the Burmese Moghhi "Tsit-ta-gungin", "to make war is improper" as was made up later on. To make war improper seem an unlikely slogan by a fighter king. The original statement "to make war is improper" seems more like the declaration of a peace treaty between two parties than as it is presented as the declaration of a victory by an Arakani king. Under the circumstance of the nonexistance of Burmese language in Arakan, instead of the Burmese "Tsit-ta-gungin", it would seem that the Chandras used Sanskrit language "Shoukeet Thakom" (in English meaning "We live in peace") The latter expression in Chittagonian or in Chandra-Rohingya language seems historically more consistent. But one might wonder how this misinterpretation of a huge magnitude "Tsit-ta-gungin", "to make war is improper" remained as truth for so long? Many of the contemporary research on Arakan show that after the event of 1784, Burmese invasion of Arakan, Burmese king took the Arakani chronocles to Burma proper. The Arakani Sanskrit chronicles were rewritten in Burmese along with a tendentious interpretation of events entered into Arakani history.
Read full article here:
Chronology: The Timeline Of Burma's Rohingya History In Arakan
Read full article here:
Chronology: The Timeline Of Burma's Rohingya History In Arakan
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