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BROUK President Tun Khin interview with Radio 786 Cape Town,South Africa

President Tun Khin of Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK was interviewed by Radio 786, Cape Town, South Africa yesterday. During the interview he said, “We, Rohingyas need urgent safety, security and Humanitarian aid in Arakan State. President Thein Sein government and State Government (RNDP) systematically preplanned to take place the recent violence to eliminate Rohingya people of Arakan. He also mentioned urgent need Humanitarian intervention in Arakan State where people are continuously dying day by day. He also highlighted Rohingya people are he original people of Arakan and it Rohang is the old name of Arakan He strongly call on International community to put pressure on USDP government to provide safety and Security along with to restore ethnic Rohingya and citizenship rights

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