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Med anledning av Aung San Suu Kyi's besök i Stockholm den 12 och 13 juni

så anordnar vi en demonstration på Mynttorget den 13 juni kl 09:00 - 11:30 för att uppmärksamma de brott mot mänskligheten som pågår i Myanmar uppenbarligen med Myanmars regerings goda minne.

Dessa brott har behandlats i The Permanent Peoples Tribunal i mars månad i London, och kraftfullt fördömts. Se:

Vi önskar med vår demonstration uppmärksamma de övergrepp som sker i Myanmar - ofta mycket styvmoderligt behandlade i vår svenska press - och därför är det nu ett gyllene tillfälle att göra detta då Myanmars State Councellor Aung San Suu Kyi besöker den svenska regeringen för samtal med Stefan Löfven om 'bl a de bilaterala relationerna mellan Sverige och Myanmar'. Aung San Suu Kyi kommer även att ha bilaterala samtal med utrikesministern och med EU Margot Wallström - och med handelsministern Ann Linde samt med ministern för internationellt utvecklingssamarbete och klimat Isabella Lövin Det synes ej som om mänskliga rättigheter är en fråga som är planerad för ett större utrymme i diskussionerna!!

Vi har redan erhållit demonstrationstillstånd, och har förberett med banderoller, några 'affischer' och några blad att delas ut till intresserade. Vi avser också att det skall skanderas några korta sentenser för att uppmärksamma vår demonstration. Se bifogade bilder.

Vi inbjuder er att deltaga i vår demonstration så att den därmed får ytterligare slagkraft och genomslag. Vi behöver också naturligtvis deltagare i demonstrationen samt helst också aktiva funktionärer såsom t ex vakter, och självklart är finansiella bidrag också mycket välkomna (då vi fortfarande är en ofinansierad förening). Swisha gärna era bidrag till 0704 - 418078, eller betala in till vårt Bankkonto via Bankgiro 254-3940 - The Swedish Rohingya Association.

Även om ni inte önskar deltaga i vår demonstration vore vi mycket tacksamma för om ni sprider information om denna till alla ni kan tänka er, och i synnerhet till media så att det blir ett kraftigt genomslag där. Och sprid info gärna också internationellt. Det är viktigt att vår svenska protest kan höras också i andra länder.

Vi har också tankar om att göra en protestaktion den 12e juni i samband med ASSK's besök på Utrikesdepartementet och Rosenbad. Denna idé är ännu ej färdigtänkt men alla förslag och önskemål om deltagande mottages gärna.

(Önskar ni att er ev medverkan på något sätt skall hållas konfidentiell så säg till så att vi inte sprider era ev meddelanden ut till andra.)

Hör gärna av er så snart ni kan.

Med vänliga hälsningar

Abul Kalam / Jan Wihlborg


The Swedish Rohingya Association


3rd European Rohingya Conference 

28th and 29th of December 2016 

Esbjerg, Denmark

Dear Rohingya Brothers and Sisters,

Assalaamu Alaykum Wrt. Wbt.

We are organizing 3rd European Rohingya Conference on 28th and 29th of December 2016 in Esbjerg, Denmark. It will be the continuation of 2nd European Rohingya Conference held in July last year. All the Rohingyas living in Europe are cordially invited to join the conference. 

We are aware that there are many Rohingya organizations in Europe today. We are also aware that many of the organizations are doing their best, but individually, in their respective countries. It is not enough; we need to do much more work collectively. Our collective work will make our voice stronger and strengthen our unity and will develop community. The conference will give us an opportunity to get together and building friendship among us. 

We hope you will join the conference in the best interest of the suffering Rohingya people. If you decide to join, please confirm to us not later than 25th December 2016. You can confirm either by writing to or contacting one of the following persons.

You are requested to provide the following information on confirmation.

  1. Your name
  2. Country of residence
  3. Arrival date, time and place
  4. Contact number and/or email address

Please be noted that food, accommodation (not hotel) and pick-up service from the nearest airport (Billund) or nearest bus/train station (Esbjerg) will be provided. You are required to make your own travel arrangement. Your travel expenses will not be reimbursed. Please forward this invitation to all of your contacts so that no one is left uninvited. Hope to see you all in the conference. Have a safe trip.

Best Regards,

Zakaria Abdur Rahim (On behalf of European Rohingya Network)


European Rohingya Network [ERN] is a net work among Rohingya organizations in different countries within Europe. ERN is an independent body that aims to inform the European society as well as international community on dramatic situation of Rohingya and developments in Burma and to initiate and coordinate activities that benefit democratization and sustainable development in Burma.

The Medsin Barts Global Health Short Course is back, with Module 1: Global Health in the Media!

Come along to the first talk of the series, Global Health on Your Newsfeed: War & Conflict, on 8th November at 6pm in the Clark-Kennedy Lecture Theatre.

The incredible speakers at this event will be:

Dr Maung Zarni
Internationally acclaimed Burmese human rights campaigner and democracy advocate; previous lecturer at Harvard and founder of the Free Burma Coalition - one of the largest and most effective human rights campaigns in the world.

Fawzia Gibson-Fall
Teaching fellow at the King's Centre for Global Health and part of the King’s Conflict & Health Research Group, specialising in the relationship between global health, politics and security in conflict-affected areas.

Dr Jonathan Kennedy
Lecturer in Global Health at QMUL and previous research associate at the University of Cambridge, studying violent political conflict and its effect on public health in countries such as Nigeria, Syria, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

It's sure to be a brilliant and enlightening evening, looking at war and conflict in the media, so don't miss out!

As always FREE FOOD & DRINK will be provided.

Hope to see you there!

Clark-Kennedy Lecture Theatre, Innovation Centre, Blizard Institute, 4 Newark St, London E1 2AT

Tuesday, November 8 at 6 PM - 8 PM UTC

Get Bronze, Silver and Gold Certificates for attending 3, 5 or 7 events this year!

The other lectures in this module series will be:
22nd Nov: Global Health On Film
6th Dec: Global Health in Print

[Our events are open to everyone, you don't have to be a medical student to attend!]

The North America based Rohingya political and social organizations have joined together to announce “Demonstrations Against Myanmar (Burma) Government and its Security Forces to Stop Genocide of Rohingya Immediately” which is to be held in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday, November 1 , 2016. The demonstrations will demand Myanmar State Counsellor and Foreign Affairs Minister Daw Aung San Suu Kyi led NLD government and its Security Forces to immediately stop recent extrajudicial killings of unarmed innocent Rohingya population, gang rape of Rohingya women and burning down of Rohingya houses in Maungdaw Township and all human rights violations across the Arakan State. It will also demand US, UN and International Community to raise their voices and send a UN Investigation Commission for the recent human rights violations including mass atrocities, crimes against humanity, revocation of citizenship rights, civil and political rights, blocking of foods so that Rohingyas could be saved and protected by UN Responsibility to Protect (R2P) Principle Pillar III.

In these regards, we would like to invite all Rohingya, peace-loving American people and organizations to join hands with us to participate in the Rohingya Demonstration in Washington, D.C. according to the following program.

Demonstration Program Details:

(1) Demonstration in front of Myanmar Embassy in USA
Location: 2300 S Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20008
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Date: Tuesday, November 1, 2016

(2) Demonstration in Lafayette Park, The White House
Location: Lafayette Park-Northeast Quadrant, The White House
Time: 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Date: Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Demonstrations Organized by:

(1) Arakan Institute for Peace and Development (AiPAD) USA
(2) Rohingya American Society (RAS) USA
(3) World Rohingya Organization (WRO) USA
(4) Rohingya Culture Center (RCC) USA
(5) Rohingya Association of Canada (RAC) Canada

For More Information, Please Contact: 

(1) Former Rohingya MP U Shwe Maung (Tel: +1-330-785-6603)
(2) Muhiuddin Yusof (Tel: +1-716-544-1803)
(3) Shaukhat U Kyaw Soe Aung @ MSK Jilani (Tel: +1-414-736-4273)
(4) Anwar Shah Arakani (Tel: +1-519-781-3800)
(5) Nasir Zakaria (Tel: +1-872-203-4921)

Invitation to participate demonstration in Brussels, Belgium

Date: 16-10-2016

Dear Friends,

Since 9th October Myanmar military and police forces have been indiscriminately killing the Rohingyas and torching their homes and villages. At least 150 Rohingyas, including old men, women and children, and 4 Rohingya villages were burned down in Maungdaw Township producing, as of today, more than 10000 internally displaced people causing a humanitarian disaster. Due to curfew order and blockade, there is an acute shortage of food, medicine, and other essentials. The situation is exponentially worsening. It is a violation of international law and Geneva Convention.

We, European Rohingya Network holding a demonstration in front of European Commission and European Parliament in Brussels as per program below on Thursday 20th of October 2016 to stop extrajudicial killing of Rohingyas in Northern Arakan. We would like to invite you to join with us and raise your voice to protect Rohingya lives in Arakan. Thank you so much.

Zakaria Abdul Rahim 
On behalf of European Rohingya Network [ERN] 

Date: 20/10/2016 Time: 12:00-13:00 pm 

European Commission 
Wetstraat 200
B-1049 Brussels

Date: 20/10/2016 Time: 14:30 – 15:30

European Parliament 
Rue Wiertz 60
1047 Bruxelles 

For information please contact with 

Sazaat Ahammed : +31 6 1503 3663
Ahamed Jarmal : +44 7 89 42 53 729 
Zakaria Abdul Rahim : +45 22 55 68 97

'SAVE ROHINGYA' Ethnic Rohingya refugees from Myanmar residing in Malaysia hold a banner during a protest outside the Myanmar embassy in Kuala Lumpur on May 21, 2015. Mohd Rasfan/AFP

September 20, 2016

KUALA LUMPUR: The Inter­na­tional Movement for a Just World (JUST) is organising a seminar focusing on the Rohingya refugee crisis in Myanmar.

Titled World Beyond War: The Rohingya Refugee Crisis and its Implications on Security in the Asean region, the seminar will provide an opportunity to assess the issue.

The speakers will be United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees representative to Malaysia Richard Towle and former Suhakam chairman Tan Sri Hasmy Agam.

Despite significant public attention on the crisis, JUST noted that Rohingya refugees were not welcomed by other countries in Asean.

It said they were increasingly viewed as possible threats to national security and associated with the rise of terrorism and transnational crime, apart from also being seen as an economic burden.

According to JUST, a strong multilateral co-operative approach was urgently needed in line with Asean’s “people first” policy to stop the geno­cide against the Rohingya.

Admission to the seminar, sche­duled for 9am on Sept 24 at Institut Integriti Malaysia in Bukit Tunku, is free but seats are limited to 100 participants.

For enquiries, call JUST at 03-7781 2494/2497/03-7772 0773 or e-mail

Myanmar's Democratic Transition and the Rohingya Persecution 

South Asia Research Cluster, University of Oxford

8:30 am - 4:30 pm, 11th May 2016

2:00 pm - 10 pm (Myanmar Time)

Click this link:


Wed, 11/05/2016 - 08:30 to 16:30 

Auditorium, Wolfson College 


Emeritus Professor Barbara Harriss-White 


Emeritus Professor Barbara Harriss-White, Dr Maung Zarni, Emeritus Professor Barbara Harrell-Bond, Daw Khin Hla, Professor Michael Charney, Maung Bo Bo, Professor Shapan Adnan, Dr S Saad Mahmood, Dr Ambia Perveen, Matthew Smith, Professor Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Professor Daniel Feierstein, Professor Penny Green, Thomas McManus, Amartya Sen, Tomas Ojea Quintana, Dr Azeem Ibrahim, Azril Mohd Amin, Mark Farmaner, Tun Khin, Nurul Islam, Dr Hla Kyaw 


1. to continue shining the spotlight of university and independent research onto what is increasingly recognized as Myanmar’s slow genocide of the Rohingya among international genocide and legal scholars as well as world’s icons such as Desmond Tutu, George Soros, Mairead Maguire, Amartya Sen, the Dalai Lama etc.;

2. to call urgent attention to recent research into the deplorable human conditions under which over 1 million Rohingya live in ‘vast open prisons’ (i.e., Rohingya villages and towns) and the Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camps, which the New York Times call “the 21st century concentration camps”;

3. to present evidence to persuade Myanmar’s Aung San Suu Kyi government to prioritize the end of decades-long state persecution of the Rohingya minority; and

4. to brainstorm critical and constructive ideas which may enable Myanmar’s democrats to remove one of the greatest obstacles to genuine democratization – the continued persecution of an entire ethnic minority in Western Burma

Hosted by the South Asian Research Cluster, Wolfson College, Oxford University

Registration begins at 8 am and the conference, at 8:30 am.

RSVP required. To RSVP email

For further information please see pdf below

Research Centre

Related Documents

Media Advisory, March 8, 2016

“Everywhere is Trouble”

An Update on the Situation of Rohingya Refugees in Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia

In May 2015, human traffickers abandoned boats of thousands of Rohingya refugees and Bangladeshi nationals coming from Myanmar’s Rakhine State and Bangladesh, leaving them adrift in the Andaman Sea. Instead of initiating search and rescue efforts, key countries in the region reinforced their borders and intercepted and towed stranded boats farther out to sea. After international outcry, some member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) agreed to allow disembarkation and provide temporary shelter to survivors. ASEAN’s failure to prioritize protection led to an unknown loss of life at sea.

Almost ten months later, the Burmese Rohingya Organization UK (BROUK) and Fortify Rights traveled to Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesiafrom February 15 to March 9 to assess the situation of Rohingya refugees in each country. Representatives from the organizations met with government officials, United Nations officials, and nongovernmental organizations; visited Immigration Detention Facilities, government-operated shelters, and refugee camps; and conducted interviews with Rohingya refugees. Meetings and travel in Indonesia were in partnership with the Geutanyoe Foundation.

At 10am on Friday, March 11, BROUK and Fortify Rights will publish a briefing at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Thailand to share their findings, observations, and recommendations. A Q&A session will follow brief presentations.

Featured speakers will be:
Mr. Tun Khin, President,Burmese Rohingya Organization UK
Ms. Amy Smith, Executive Director, Fortify Rights
Mr. Matthew Smith, Executive Director, Fortify Rights
Ms. Lilianne Fan, International Director, Geutanyoe Foundation

For more information, please contact:

Matthew Smith, Executive Director, Fortify Rights, +66 (0) 85.028.0044, 

Amy Smith, Executive Director, Fortify Rights,+66 (0) 87.795.5454, 

Tun Khin, President, BurmeseRohingya Organization UK,+66 (0)91.731.4164,

Foreign Correspondents' Club of Thailand
Penthouse, Maneeya Center Building
518/5 Ploenchit Road (connected to the BTS SkytrainChitlom station)
Patumwan, Bangkok 10330
Tel.: 02-652-0580

Rohingya Exodus