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Free Rohingya Campaign (Press Release)

Immediate Release

We, members of FRC are extremely shocked and frustrated for reading the news about Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh as they were attacked by some (100) local goons which caused one death and more than (20) have been injured in recent days.

We entirely condemn to all concern parties who are behind the plot and Bangladeshi news media which published the falsify news over the incidence as an attempt to hide the reality. 

Indeed the attack is to deem as preplanned and village administrative member, namely Bakkar and some security forces from Ukhiya police station were involved in it. We say it is just killing, murder and intentional offensive. 

Our source informed the incidence as it was taken place inside both the registered and unregistered refugees’ camps, such as at refugee school and community center which are situated at the heart of the registered refugee camp. The information makes very difference with the news that published in New Age news paper.

The New Age media mentioned some names of Bangladeshi who were injured during the attack which is look like to say Rohingyas are responsible for the attack. But the media missed the fact to mention that the police force took (4) of the refugees under their custody as a charge against the incidence.
Rohingya refuges in Bangladesh were frequently facing such intimidation at the locals and the authorized persons give protections in each time. More over the authorities reasoning that Bangladesh is not a signatory to the UNHCR and for being a small poor country she is unable to give the shelters to these huge Rohingyas for longtime.

FRC would like to highlight the above reason as the point should not be defined as Refugees are not deserved to give the protection neither they should be target for such offensives in Bangladesh.
We would like to remind the Bangladesh government that the government was well-informed the situation of Rohingyas inside Arakan under SPDC regime and the government is pretty aware that their arrival is to escape the persecutions, to find a safety heaven with the assistance of international communities. So, we believe that the government should invite international communities immediately to solve the issues or to earn the solutions on it instead of approaching the Burmese regime.

We are very upset to study that still those goons, lead by member Bakkar are surrounding the camps and police forces are included with them, and refugees are unable to go out side. We are very concerned on further violence and about future of refugees.

Therefore, we call the government of Bangladesh as:-
-         to press security forces to ease the tension and to give the necessary protections
-         to make stop the groups and media from fuelling anti-Rohingya sentiments at the local people
-         to form a committee of inquiry to know the international communities truly about the violence
-         to bring the culprits to the law suits immediately and
-         to invite the international communities to solving the Rohingya issue with Burmese regime.
We would like also to have a keen request to the UN, government of USA, EU and OIC as:-
-         to make taking fearless breath by the Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh
-         to survive the Rohingyas from slaughtering, rape and from other physical abuses
-         to allow the Rohingya living as other human beings with full dignity and respects
-         to get back them their rights in Burma with firm guarantee
-         to pursuit the government of Bangladesh to give refugees fully protections,
-         to make strong voice to allow the NGOs working freely for assisting the refugees in camps and
-         to take necessary actions against Burmese regime to return them to their motherland. 

Thank you very much for your kind attention.


Ko Ko Linn,
Co-Founder and Contributor

·         US State Department
·         UN /UNHCR
·         NCGUB/NLD –BURMA
·         OIC /ARAB LEAGUE
·         Non Government Organizations
·         US Embassy in Bangladesh

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